Amaetur Works in Chinese Literature and Music Composition

Before specialising in the field of Computer Science, I had a 10-year experience of writing in Chinese literature under the pseudonym “知陌若”. My works include proses, poems and novels, which nearly cover all the possible literal styles in Chinese. I have selected some representative works to be displayed on this website. Apart from writing, I am also fiercely into musical composition and singing. There are two pieces of my composition works created using Sibelius.

amaetur music_composition Chinese_literature

Amaetur Works in Chinese Literature and Music Composition

Before specialising in the field of Computer Science, I had a 10-year experience of writing in Chinese literature under the pseudonym “知陌若”. My works include proses, poems and novels, which nearly cover all the possible literal styles in Chinese. I have selected some representative works to be displayed on this website. Apart from writing, I am also fiercely into musical composition and singing. There are two pieces of my composition works created using Sibelius.

amaetur music_composition Chinese_literature



己亥年 丁丑月 乙亥日 问学爱城 登山名座有感

poem_in_ancient_Chinese 古诗词 五言诗 Edinburgh


己亥年 丁丑月 乙亥日 问学爱城 登山名座有感

poem_in_ancient_Chinese 古诗词 五言诗 Edinburgh



杨柳娇而春溺 腊梅傲而雪藏 世寻弄姿作气 而鲜觅体蕴之香 是匮也

poem_in_ancient_Chinese 古诗词 五言诗 杨柳 腊梅


杨柳娇而春溺 腊梅傲而雪藏 世寻弄姿作气 而鲜觅体蕴之香 是匮也

poem_in_ancient_Chinese 古诗词 五言诗 杨柳 腊梅



甲午年甲戌月甲寅日 试术初毕 众人恍恍而皆惫 忽臆巴蜀脍炙燋食 遂与友约 忘于疲焉

prose_in_ancient_chinese 文言文 火锅


甲午年甲戌月甲寅日 试术初毕 众人恍恍而皆惫 忽臆巴蜀脍炙燋食 遂与友约 忘于疲焉

prose_in_ancient_chinese 文言文 火锅


高中时曾寄宿于阳台山表姨家, 在往返校园的路上迸发灵感写下初作, 后于2020年微改.

prose_in_mandarin 散文 老猫


高中时曾寄宿于阳台山表姨家, 在往返校园的路上迸发灵感写下初作, 后于2020年微改.

prose_in_mandarin 散文 老猫